
Tapin Police Plant Corn To Push National Food Self-sufficiency - Beritaja

Sedang Trending 3 minggu yang lalu

Rantau, S Kalimantan (BERITAJA) - Tapin District Police in South Kalimantan conducted corn planting as part of One Million Hectares Simultenous Corn Planting in collaboration between National Police and Ministry of Agriculture to achieve national food self-sufficiency.

Tapin Police Chief AKBP Jimmy Kurniawan said that corn planting program carried out on land belonging to public vocation school SMKN 1 Tapin Selatan was in line with President Prabowo Subianto's Astacita vision which emphasized the importance of self-sufficiency in food, energy, water, and strengthening green economy.

“Simultaneous corn planing on one million hectares land is not only for food security, but also to support the nation's independence," said Jimmy in Rantau, Tapin, South Kalimantan, Tuesday.

"The corn planted will be focused on animal feed needs with a sasaran of overcoming the shortage of animal feed while providing economic benefits to the community," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Tapin Agriculture Agency Muhammad Tri Asmoro said the government will provide seeds and subsidized fertilizer, while land processing equipment to be provided by collaborating companies.

“This collaboration will increase animal feed availability and supporting food self-sufficiency vision by involving farmers and companies land that has great potential for corn planting,” he said.

According to Tri Asmoro currently 150 hectares regular land is ready for corn planting, while another 600 hectares are being prepared.

“If more farmers planting corn, animal feed needs can be met locally, and it is potential to increase people's welfare as well as supporting regional economy,” said Tri Asmoro.

He hopes the corn planting throughout Indonesia will be a strategic first step in realizing national food security and encouraging Tapin to become one of corn production centers in Indonesia.


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