Batulicin, S Kalimantan (BERITAJA) - The government of Tanah Bumbu District, South Kalimantan Province, prepares a budget of Rp64 billion to support Free Nutritious Meals (MBG) program which is initiated by President Prabowo Subianto.
"We have approved the budget through a joint meeting with the relevant Regional Apparatus Work Unit (SKPD) for four months from January to April 2025," said Tanah Bumbu DPRD Speaker Andrean Adma Maulani in Batulicin, Friday.
The DPRD had simulated the budget value for MBG in Tanah Bumbu for a year of Rp200 billion, but temporarily only approved Rp64 billion for the next four months.
Andre explained that based on President Prabowo Subianto's instruction the implementation of MBG program in Tanah Bumbu would temporarily uses the 2025 pure APBD (local budget).
"One portion of MBG in Tanah Bumbu is budgeted at Rp15,000 depending on regional condition," he said.
Head of Tanah Bumbu Education Office Amilludin informed that the program has targeted 1,983 students out of the total 71,803 students in the district.
"Thousands of students who received the first benefits of MBG program to improve children's nutrition and health on Monday (January 13, 2025) are from three schools," said Amilludin.
They are kindergarten (TK), elementary school (SD), junior high school (SMP) and vocation school (SMKS) of Bangun Banua, Nurul Hidayah Foundation, and public elementary school SDN Kampung Baru Tiga, Simpang Empat sub-district.
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