Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (BERITAJA) - South Kalimantan government through Social Affairs Agency ditributed relief aid to residents affected by floods in Kalumpang Sub-district, Hulu Sungai Selatan (HSS) District.
Head of the Agency Gusti Yanuar Noor Rifai here on Tuesday said a total 477 families were affected by floods in Kalumpang.
"The aid distributed is in the form of basic needs, such as rice, instant noodles, clean water, blankets, side dishes, and other necessities," he said.
Head of the Agency's Disaster Management Achmadi said that the Agency is making maximum efforts to provide assistance to communities affected by disaster to ease their burden until condition return to normal.
He explained that floods in Kalumpang Sub-district occurred after high rainfall lasted for the last few days.
"Several villages are submerged with a water level reaching an adult's knees," he said.
Achmadi said that the assistance distributed was a concrete action of the provincial government to provide relief aid for communities affected by floods.
In providing relief aid to flood-affected residents, the South Kalimantan Social Affairs Agency collaborated with the provincial Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD), South Kalimantan Scout (Kwarda), and HSS Social Affairs Agency.
Achmadi hopes people affected by the floods can survive and quickly recover from the disaster that has struck.
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