
Barabai Detention Harvests Honey Eggplant For Food Security - Beritaja

Sedang Trending 3 minggu yang lalu

Banjarmasin, S Kalimatan (BERITAJA) - The Barabai State Detention Center in Hulu Sungai Tengah (HST) District, South Kalimantan, has harvested 30 kilograms honey eggplant as a real action to support the government's food security program.

"This honey eggplant cultivation is fully conducted by inmates who take part in the agricultural self-reliance program," said Head of the Barabai Detention House Komang Suparta in Barabai, Saturday.

One of their action was to turn up an empty land in the open area around the center into productive agricultural land.

The land was then cultivated by the inmates as part of a development program aimed at providing skills and empowering them.

"Officers only give necessary assistance, including bringing in agricultural instructor to increase their knowledge and skill in farming," he explained.

Komang hopes that the inmates to have useful skills when they return to society after being released.


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