Batulicin, S Kalimantan (BERITAJA) - The Tanah Bumbu Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) disclosed that 80 villages in the district are prone to natural disasters.
Chief Executive of Tanah Bumbu BPBD Sulhadi here on Sunday said that the 80 villages spread acroos the sub-district of Satui, Kusan Hulu, Kusan Hilir, Karang Bintang, Mentewe and Teluk Kepayang.
He informed that the the regional government had set the Tanah Bumbu District on disaster alert since two months ago. Especially in areas that have rivers, such as Mentewe, Batulicin and Satui.
The three sub-districts have the very potential for floodings when intensity of rain is higher, and the condition can be worse when it coincides with sea tide or rob which causes water from upstream being blocked by rising sea waters.
"To anticipate flood disaster, BPBD has installed three early Warning system (EWS) in three river flows," he said.
The sensor units which provide early warning of potential flood will help comunities and authorities to reduce risk of flood disasters.
The BPBD also involves volunteers to help with disaster management by providing physical assistance, counseling, and to educate people.
"A total of 150 volunteers are on duty in all ub-districts in Tanah Bumbu," said Sulhadi.
To increase volunteers, the BPBD will form village level volunteers. They will be placed in villages that prone to disasters. One village will have one volunteer.
"Until today, the condition of Tanah Bumbu is relatively safe, no natural disasters, but we still appeal to the public to remain alert to disasters," he pointed out.
Related news: Tanah Bumbu establishes KSB to reduce disaster risk
Related news: Tanah Bumbu hands out assistance for victims of natural disaster
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